• Yardlong bean ( Borboti...

    • Yardlong beans grow best in tropical regions of the world.
    • They are very popular in Thai food because of their slightly sweet taste.
    • Asian people adore food that is sweet tasting and when it comes to sweetening food they are not afraid to experiment with different things that Westerners might find odd to begin with.
    •  These are full of vitamins and other nutrients, vitamin K being the most prominent. They are also very high in vitamin C and vitamin A. 125 grams of these beans can account for between 20-25% of your RDA (recommended daily allowance) of the vitamins mentioned above.
    • You will also find potassium, dietary fibre and iron among other nutrients in string beans.
  • Cabbage 1kg approx 100%...

    • Good for the skin
    • Fight Cancer
    • Acts as an anti-inflammatory
    • Takes care of your eyes
    • Cabbage or Badha or Bandha Kopi contains powerful antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation.
    • If you want to improve your digestive health, fiber-rich cabbage is the way to go.
    • Vitamin K is critical for blood clotting. Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin K1, with 85% of the RDI in 1 cup (89 grams).
    • The cabbage may protect against radiation and reduce heart disease risk.

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