• jaggi cury Curry Pata...

    • Curry leaves are rich in protective plant substances, such as alkaloids, glycosides, and phenolic compounds, that give this fragrant herb potent health benefits.
    • Risk factors like high cholesterol and triglyceride levels may increase your risk of developing heart disease. Adding curry leaves to your diet may help reduce some of these risk factors.
    • Some research has shown that curry leaves may help protect the health of your nervous system, including your brain.
    • The leaves are commonly added to dishes to bring about a robust, rich flavor and popularly used in meat dishes, curries, and other traditional Indian recipes.
  • Fresh Radish 500gm

    • Radish,mula White has a crunchy texture and also has a sharp spicy flavor.
    • It is usually eaten raw in salads and can also be used in soups, stir-fries, sambhars, etc., or added to cooked dishes as garnish.
    • The Radish  white can be steamed and served as a whole vegetable too. The shelf life of Radish White is 1 day.
    • Radishes are excellent source of vitamin c. It contains folate, fiber, riboflavin, and potassium, as well as good amounts of copper, vitamin B6.
      It is composed of high dietary fibre, which is very fine for digestive tract.

    Fresh Radish 500gm


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