• Chalta/Elephant Apple/Dillenia indica Fresh...

    • Chalta is an eternally green shrub, with the trees often grow up to a height of 15 m. The reddish-brown barks hold strong branches with broad serrated leaves. The flowers bloom in summer, being bright white with many petals and sprout into the tangy chalta fruit in colder climates.
    • Chalta, an evergreen shrub that grows extensively in the wilderness of South-East Asia, in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand, confers numerous excellent benefits for health such as preventing kidney ailments, slowing down ageing and lowering blood pressure.
    • Chalta being its Hindi name, it is commonly called Elephant Apple, since the delicious chalta fruit is hugely popular amongst the local wild elephants, being widely consumed by them. Its scientific name is Dillenia indica.
  • Fresh Taro Root Naga...

    • .Cure cancer
    •  Diuretic
    • Skin energy
    • Loved by all corners of India in the most varied forms! Colocasia or also known as Taro root, is a thick, tuber stalk and an important part of global cuisines and diets.
    • It is considered one of the first cultivated plants in human history. The health benefits of taro include its ability to improve digestion and lower your blood sugar levels.
    • Colocasia is prepared in various ways. Every culture has developed their distinct manner of preparing it. Almost all the recipes require the vegetable to be cooked.
    • The shelf life is 3-4 days. It can be stored in ambient as well as refrigerated environment.



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