• Fresh Betel / Paan...

    • According to Ayurveda, chewing paan after meals eases digestion as it increases secretion of digestive juices, reduces bloating of stomach, relieves constipation and destroys intestinal parasites.
    • Betel leaf has heart-shaped, soft, clean and long-stalked leaves with a pointed apex.
    • It has vitamins such as vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine and carotene. It is also a greater supply of calcium.
    • The juice from the leaf is known to have diuretic properties and assists urination when taken with diluted milk.
    • Local application of betel leaves relieves sore throat.

    Fresh Betel / Paan...

  • jaggi cury Curry Pata...

    • Curry leaves are rich in protective plant substances, such as alkaloids, glycosides, and phenolic compounds, that give this fragrant herb potent health benefits.
    • Risk factors like high cholesterol and triglyceride levels may increase your risk of developing heart disease. Adding curry leaves to your diet may help reduce some of these risk factors.
    • Some research has shown that curry leaves may help protect the health of your nervous system, including your brain.
    • The leaves are commonly added to dishes to bring about a robust, rich flavor and popularly used in meat dishes, curries, and other traditional Indian recipes.
  • Lafa Shak /Saag/ Malva...

    1. Rich in Nutrients:
      • Lafa shak is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron and calcium, contributing to overall health and well-being.
    2. Antioxidant Powerhouse:
      • The presence of antioxidants in lafa shak helps combat oxidative stress in the body, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting a strong immune system.
    3. Dietary Fiber for Digestive Health:
      • High fiber content in lafa shak aids in digestion and promotes a healthy gut by preventing constipation and supporting a diverse and thriving gut microbiota.
    4. Low in Calories, High in Volume:
      • Lafa shak is a nutrient-dense, low-calorie food, making it an excellent choice for those looking to manage their weight. Its high volume can help create a feeling of fullness.
    5. Heart Health Support:
      • The combination of antioxidants and fiber in lafa shak contributes to cardiovascular health by helping to lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and support overall heart function.
  • Stolon Of Taro (Kochu...

    • Taro stolon can also help reduce high blood pressure. Moreover,
    • it protects the skin, prevents different types of cancer, increases blood circulation, prevents heart diseases,
    • improves vision, boosts the immune system, and strengthens muscle and nerves.
    • Taro plant is one of the most important vegetables on international cuisine and diets, because of its uniqueness among other plants. This vegetable must be cooked before eating because it is toxic in raw form, but harmful substances will be eliminated after cooking.
  • Water Spinach/Ipomoea (Kolmi/Kalmi Saag)...

    • It is an excellent option for those individuals who want to lose weight and reduce cholesterol naturally. A research conducted on rats has proved that consumption of water spinach has resulted in the reduction in cholesterol levels as well as Triglyceride. Thus, this vegetable has a major role to play in the reduction of cholesterol level.
    • Water spinach has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of jaundice and liver problems. A research has proved that the extract of this plant can provide protection against chemical induced liver damage due to its modulation of detoxification enzymes; antioxidant and free radical scavenger properties.
    • The benefits of water spinach for skin have been known for a long time. As stated earlier, this vegetable is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, carotenoids and lutein. These minerals are vital for a healthy and glowing skin. Consuming water spinach in a regular basis helps to maintain radiant and healthy skin.

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