• Fresh Raw Banana/ Kacha...

    • Raw bananas are tender, fragrant, and have a starchy-tart flavor, as the sugars have not yet developed, and when cooked, they will be creamy and taste very similar to potatoes.
    •  Rich in pottasium and vitamins
    • Lower blood pressure
    • Improves bone health

    Fresh Raw Banana/ Kacha...

  • Ginger,Ada 250gm 100% Quality...

    • Ginger has a very long history of use in various forms of traditional/alternative medicine.
    • It has been used to help digestion, reduce nausea and help fight the flu and common cold, to name a few.
    • Ginger Aada can be used fresh, dried, powdered, or as an oil or juice, and is sometimes added to processed foods and cosmetics.
    • Ginger Ada Fights Respiratory Problem
    • Relives Stress
    • Reduce Acne
    • Increases Sperm Count
    • Heart Support
  • Garlic 100gm 100% Quality...

    • Garlic,Rosun, is made of several heads wrapped in thin whitish layers.
    • They are firm and have a mild flavour. Once crushed, they emit a strong and pungent aroma.
    • Lahsun Aid poor digestion
    • Kills parasites
    • Heals cold sores
  • Cauliflower 500gm 100% Quality...

    • Cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis, is an herbaceous annual or biennial vegetable plant in the family Brassicaceae grown for its edible head.
    •  Cauliflower, Full kopi plants are shallow rooted with a small, thickened stem. The ribbed leaves branch off the top of the stem and are light green in color.
    • full kofi Purifies blood
    •  Rich in fiber
    • Low calorie
    • Rich in vitamin C
  • Fresh Taro Root Naga...

    • .Cure cancer
    •  Diuretic
    • Skin energy
    • Loved by all corners of India in the most varied forms! Colocasia or also known as Taro root, is a thick, tuber stalk and an important part of global cuisines and diets.
    • It is considered one of the first cultivated plants in human history. The health benefits of taro include its ability to improve digestion and lower your blood sugar levels.
    • Colocasia is prepared in various ways. Every culture has developed their distinct manner of preparing it. Almost all the recipes require the vegetable to be cooked.
    • The shelf life is 3-4 days. It can be stored in ambient as well as refrigerated environment.


  • Cabbage 1kg approx 100%...

    • Good for the skin
    • Fight Cancer
    • Acts as an anti-inflammatory
    • Takes care of your eyes
    • Cabbage or Badha or Bandha Kopi contains powerful antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation.
    • If you want to improve your digestive health, fiber-rich cabbage is the way to go.
    • Vitamin K is critical for blood clotting. Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin K1, with 85% of the RDI in 1 cup (89 grams).
    • The cabbage may protect against radiation and reduce heart disease risk.
  • Fresh Beans 250gm 100%...

    . Anti-aging

    . Anti-oxidant

    . Rich in fiber

    . Vitamin K,C source

    . The common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, is an herbaceous annual plant in the family Fabaceae which is grown as a pulse and green vegetable. … The leaves grow alternately on the stems, are green or purple in color and are divided into 3 oval leaflets with smooth edges.

  • Red Amaranthus(Lal Saag/Shak/Shaak/Laal Sag)...

    . It prevent asthma

    . It lower blood presure

    . It reduces the fracture

    . Helps in reducing constipation

  • Drumstick(sajana/sajna) 250gm

    • Regulates blood sugar levels. …
    • Helps improve digestive health. …
    • Great for developing stronger bones. …
    • Helps purifying blood. …
    • Relieves respiratory disorders. …
    • Boosts immunity.
  • Ridge Gourd(jhinga)500gm

    • Excellent blood purifier.
    • Possessing laxative properties.
    • Cure for jaundice.
    • Beneficial for diabetes.
    • Aiding weight loss.
    • Anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic.
    • Fortifying the immune system.
    • Skin care.
  • Fresh Organic Cucumber, Sosha/Khera/Kakdi...

    • With high water content and crunchy flesh, Sosha, Cucumbers have striped, light to dark green coloured skin that is edible.
    • Good source of magnesium, potassium, and manganese
    • Rich in vitamins A, C, and K
    • Cucumbers are 95 percent water
    • Cucumbers or khira keep our body hydrated. Its hard skin has good amount of fiber and minerals.
    • Eating cucumber improves digestion and reduces stress.
  • Fresh Potato- 1 kg...

    • Potatoes are nutrient-dense, non-fattening and have reasonable amount of calories.
    • Include them in your regular meals so that the body receives a good supply of carbohydrates, dietary fibers and essential minerals such as copper, magnesium, and iron.
    • In India, potatoes are probably the second-most consumed vegetables after onions.
    • Potatoes should be included in the diet of those having mouth ulcers. As they are easy to digest, they are good for patients. Consumption of potatoes helps to maintain the blood glucose level and keeps the brain alert and active.
    • People who are diagnosed with kidney stones or heart disorders can include potatoes in their diet as they are light on the stomach.
  • Fresh Tomato – Local,...

    •  These organic tomatoes are free from harmful pesticides and insecticides and thus have a very natural and tangy taste, which is attributed to its healthy soil growth.
    • The ripe and firm tomatoes are a luscious addition to any meal.
    • Organic tomatoes are free from harmful chemicals and toxins, plus they are also rich in antioxidants that helps fight diseases like cancer.
    • It also a healthy source of Vitamin C and A (being rich in beta-carotene) along with niacin and folate.
  • Fresh Mosambi – 1kg...

    • Fresho Mosambis are of the best quality, handpicked and sourced directly from the farmers of Anantapur.
    • Sweet lime or mosambi is lime-like, large sized with an underlying yellow base.
    • The intense, refreshing aroma is due to essential oils present in the skin.
    • It generally tastes sweet, occasionally tart to sweet.
    • Mosambis are a good source of vitamin C and potassium and its high water content is known for its cooling properties. They lower cholesterol and control blood sugar level. They also prevent constipation. Mosambi peels are highly nutritious, fiber-rich and edible, which are good for skin and nails.

    Fresh Mosambi – 1kg...

  • Fresh Watermelon – Organically...

    • With greenish black to smooth dark green surface, we selectively pick organically grown watermelons from the best farms
    • These Fresh watermelons have juicy, sweet and grainy textured flesh filled with 12-14% of sugar content, making it a healthy alternative to sugary carbonated drinks.
    • Flesh colour of these are pink to red with dark brown/black seeds.
    • Always Eat Watermelons have excellent hydrating properties with 90% water content.
      Rich in anti-oxidant flavonoids that protects against prostate, breast, colon, pancreatic and lung cancers. They are an excellent source of lycopene which protects skin against harmful UV rays. It is also a great source for A, C, B-complex vitamins, iron and fiber which boosts body metabolism.
  • Fresh Organic Pomegranate, 4...

    • With ruby color and an intense floral, sweet-tart flavor, the pomegranate delivers both taste and beauty.
    • You can remove the skin and the membranes to get at the delicious fruit with nutty seeds.
    • Fresh Pomegranates are finely sorted and graded to deliver the best tasting pomegranates to you.
    • Fresh Pomegranate juice lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol. Reduces the risk of heart stoke. Gives a boost of energy and freshness. So, this is specially recommended for women during menopause. Good for pregnant women as it prevents brain damage in infants.
  • Fresh Green Grapes -500g...

    • Juicy and snappy, with a beautiful balance of sweet and tart flavour,
    • these grape bunches have a lingering taste.
    • Do not tire yourselves searching for an unspoiled fruit,
    • we have hand picked and finely packed fresho green seedless grapes which are just a few clicks away.
    • Green seedless grapes are rich in antioxidant properties and fibres. They reduce inflammations and help in weight loss. They also promote heart health and strengthen immunity.

    Fresh Green Grapes -500g...

  • Fresh Onion, Quality Assured...

    • Onion is a vegetable which is almost like a staple in Indian food.
    • This is also known to be one of the essential ingredients of raw salads.
    • They come in different colours like white, red or yellow and are quite in demand in cold salads and hot soups.
    • You can dice, slice or cut it in rings and put it in burgers and sandwiches.
    • Onions emit a sharp flavour and fragrance once they are fried; it is due to the sulphur compound in the vegetable.
    • Onions are known to have antiseptic, antimicrobial and antibiotic properties which help you to get rid of infections. If a piece of onion is inhaled, it can slow down or stop nose bleeding.
  • Fresh Cauliflower,/ Fulgobi 1...

    • Cauliflower is made up of tightly bound clusters of soft, crumbly, sweet cauliflower florets that form a dense head.
    • Resembling a classic tree, the florets are attached to a central edible white trunk which is firm and tender
    • One serving of cauliflower contains 77 percent of daily recommended value of vitamin C. Cauliflowers are rich in B complex vitamins, potassium and manganese.They protect from the risk of heart diseases
  • Fresh Carrot Gajar 500g

    • A popular sweet-tasting root vegetable, Carrots are narrow and cone shaped.
    • They have thick, fleshy, deeply colored root, which grows underground, and feathery green leaves that emerge above the ground.
    • While these greens are fresh tasting and slightly bitter, the carrot,Gajar,Gajor roots are crunchy textured with a sweet and minty aromatic taste.
    • brings you the flavour and richness of the finest bright orange, crispy and juicy carrots.
  • Fresh Apple Red Delicious,...

    • The bright red coloured and heart shaped Red Delicious apples are crunchy,
    • juicy and slightly sweet. Red Delicious Apples are a natural source of fibre and are fat free.
    • They contain a wide variety of anti-oxidants and polynutrients.
    • Apples are one of the healthiest fruits. Rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber which keep our digestive and immune system healthy. Protects from Alzheimers, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

    Fresh Apple Red Delicious,...

  • 10 Kg of Papaya...

    • *10 Kg of Papaya (round) lot*
    • “Description: It has 10 Kg of Papaya (round) lot Quality Assured Products Fresh from the Farm”
    • Dispatch : 1 Day

    10 Kg of Papaya...

  • 4pcs of Orange lot...

    • FruitsOrange  lot – 4 pcs
    • “Description: It has 4pcs
    • Quality Assured Products
    • Fresh from the Farm

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