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    •  Original Nona Elish Dry is increasingly becoming a vital factor in providing high-quality proteins, healthy fats (including long-chain omega-3 fatty acids  and a unique source of essential nutrients such as iodine, zinc, copper, selenium, and calcium.
    • For those who do not like the stiffness, dried fish can be softened by soaking it in water for some time. This makes dry fish as soft as fresh fish. For people or dogs with dental problems, soaked dry fish works great!
    • Elish Dry fish is a delicious source of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, vitamin D. These nutrients can help keep mental health issues at bay. Fish is a natural anti-depressant and it can ease your mood swings too.
    • A balanced diet that includes dry fish can help lower the risk of autoimmune diseases.
    • Order from Anywhere (India)

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