• Fiddlehead Ferns(Dheki Saag/Shak) Bundle...

    • 100 grams of Fiddlehead fern contains 34 calories. It possess 4.55 grams of protein, 0.32 mg of copper, 4.98 mg of niacin, 26.6 mg of ascorbic acid, 181 µg of vitamin A, 0.51 grams of manganese and 1.31 mg of iron. It is low in fat and carbohydrates.
    • The research shows that Vitamin C is helpful for those having weak immune system caused due to stress. As stress is the common condition which is experienced in the society, the adequate amount of Vitamin C helps to improve the overall health.
    • It is proven that Vitamin B2 is effective to treat the migraine headaches. Physicians recommend 400 mg dose of riboflavin which helps to treat and cure the headaches and migraine attacks.
    • Currently available only For West Bengal
  • Water Spinach/Ipomoea (Kolmi/Kalmi Saag)...

    • It is an excellent option for those individuals who want to lose weight and reduce cholesterol naturally. A research conducted on rats has proved that consumption of water spinach has resulted in the reduction in cholesterol levels as well as Triglyceride. Thus, this vegetable has a major role to play in the reduction of cholesterol level.
    • Water spinach has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of jaundice and liver problems. A research has proved that the extract of this plant can provide protection against chemical induced liver damage due to its modulation of detoxification enzymes; antioxidant and free radical scavenger properties.
    • The benefits of water spinach for skin have been known for a long time. As stated earlier, this vegetable is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, carotenoids and lutein. These minerals are vital for a healthy and glowing skin. Consuming water spinach in a regular basis helps to maintain radiant and healthy skin.
  • Spiny gourd (Kakrol) 250gm

    •  Spine gourd is a cucurbitaceous vegetable which is closely related to bitter gourd. However,
    • it is not bitter in taste as bitter gourd. As in case of other cucurbitaceous vegetables (cucurbits) which mainly include melons and gourds.
    • spine gourd is also grown as a summer vegetable in tropical and subtropical countries.
    • Spine gourd is called Kantola or kakrol in Hindi, mada hagalakai in Kannada, kadu peere in Tulu, and paagila in Konkani.
    • Spine gourd has medicinal properties. Some of it health benefits are – reduces blood sugar level, Improves Eye sight, Improve diagestion etc.

    Spiny gourd (Kakrol) 250gm

  • Complete Dry Best Quality...

    • Jujube fruits have long been used in alternative medicine to treat conditions like insomnia and anxiety.
      Animal and test-tube studies indicate that the fruit may offer impressive health benefits for your nervous system, immunity, and digestion
    • Jujube fruits are rich in several antioxidant compounds, primarily flavonoids, polysaccharides, and triterpenic acids. They also contain high levels of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant as well
    • Decreased levels of inflammation and free radicals can help prevent chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes
    • Complete Dry Best Quality kuul/Kul/Ber Jujube Sweet & Sour 500gm

    Complete Dry Best Quality...

  • Stolon Of Taro (Kochu...

    • Taro stolon can also help reduce high blood pressure. Moreover,
    • it protects the skin, prevents different types of cancer, increases blood circulation, prevents heart diseases,
    • improves vision, boosts the immune system, and strengthens muscle and nerves.
    • Taro plant is one of the most important vegetables on international cuisine and diets, because of its uniqueness among other plants. This vegetable must be cooked before eating because it is toxic in raw form, but harmful substances will be eliminated after cooking.
  • Fresh Hyacinth bean

    • Hyacinth beans, shim, chhim also called Indian beans, Lablab beans, Egyptian kidney beans and are said to have originated from India only.
    • It is grown in the homes only where it is widely eaten as a vegetable.
    • In the western countries, this plant is cultivated for ornamental purposes for its large leaves and fragrant flowerr
    • Hyacinth bean is a climbing plant that produces seeds (beans). The seeds, pods, leaves, flowers, and roots are eaten. The seeds are used as medicine.
    • People take hyacinth beans by mouth to prevent pregnancy and for diarrhea and stomach disorders.

    Fresh Hyacinth bean

  • Fresh Bhutan Potato Medium...

    • Potatoes are a good source of antioxidants, which may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.
    • These compounds act as antioxidants in the body by neutralizing potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals.Bhutan Aloo Alu Is best cultivation Process
    • When free radicals accumulate, they can increase the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer
    • This makes them potentially more effective at neutralizing free radicals
  • Wood Apple/ Indian Bael...

    • Wood apples are brown patched with hard shells.
    • Its brown, fibrous pulp has a scent that is similar to that of tamarinds.
    • Inside the fruit, there are numerous small, white, crunchy seeds that are edible as well as nutritious.
    • Wood apples kill intestinal worms and aid indigestion.
    • They ease earaches, respiratory problems, and maintain the health of kidneys.
    • Drinking wood apple squash in the mornings prevent sunstrokes.

    Wood Apple/ Indian Bael...

  • Langra/Langda Mango Farm Fresh...

    • Langra Mango is very juicy, delectable and having sweet flesh, these are pure temptation.
    • It is a delicacy all around the world known for its farm freshness and sweet flesh.
    • It is rich in vitamins and minerals.
    • It possesses a great green skin and contains brown-yellow colour.
    • It has a wide variety of carotenoids, containing beta carotene and other phytonutrients.
    • Product image shown is for representation purpose only, the actual product may vary based on season, produce & availability.
    • Calcium Carbide is not used in the ripening process of the mangoes.
  • Farm Fresh Green Peas/...

    • “Green peas are a popular vegetable. They are also quite nutritious and contain a fair amount of fiber and antioxidants.
    • Additionally, research shows they may help protect against some chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer.
    • On the other hand, some people claim green peas are harmful and should be avoided due to the antinutrients they contain, which can cause bloating.”
    • High in Many Nutrients and Antioxidants
    • They’re Filling and an Excellent Source of Protein
    • They Support Healthy Blood Sugar Control
    • The Fiber in Peas May Benefit Digestion
    • Protective Against Some Chronic Diseases like Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes.
  • Bangalore Special Raw Mango...

    When consumed raw the fruit presents its antacid properties while it also helps to relieve constipation.

    • Raw Mangoes are a rich source of nutrients- They have a high concentration of vitamin C- Raw mangoes help boost immunity- They can be used to prepare delicious drinksSour yet delicious.
    • Cures stomach Troubles
    • Treats scurvy also gives an energy boost
  • Fresh Big Size Lemon...

    • Lemon, Citrus limon, is a small evergreen tree in the family Rutaceae grown for its edible fruit which, among other things, are used in a variety of foods and drinks.
    • The lemon fruit is an ellipsoid berry surrounded by a green rind, which ripens to yellow, protecting soft yellow segmented pulp.
    • Lower stress and anxiety

      Weight loss


      Improve digestion

  • Farm Fresh Tender Raw...

    • Great meat substitute
    • Vegan
    • Cut Tender Jackfruit
    • Best Quality Kathal 100%
    • Cut into pieces

    Farm Fresh Tender Raw...

  • kuul/Kul/Ber Jujube Sweet &...

    • Jujube fruits have long been used in alternative medicine to treat conditions like insomnia and anxiety.
      Animal and test-tube studies indicate that the fruit may offer impressive health benefits for your nervous system, immunity, and digestion
    • Jujube fruits are rich in several antioxidant compounds, primarily flavonoids, polysaccharides, and triterpenic acids. They also contain high levels of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant as well
    • Decreased levels of inflammation and free radicals can help prevent chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes
    • Best Quality Dry Ber/kuul/Kul/Ber Jujube Sweet & Sour
    • Order From Anywhere(India)
  • Fresh Tomato – Local,...

    •  These organic tomatoes are free from harmful pesticides and insecticides and thus have a very natural and tangy taste, which is attributed to its healthy soil growth.
    • The ripe and firm tomatoes are a luscious addition to any meal.
    • Organic tomatoes are free from harmful chemicals and toxins, plus they are also rich in antioxidants that helps fight diseases like cancer.
    • It also a healthy source of Vitamin C and A (being rich in beta-carotene) along with niacin and folate.
  • Old Fresh Red Potato...

    • Much of the nutritional value of a potato is found in its skin.
    • Red potatoes are particularly healthy because of the thin, nutrient filled skins, which are loaded with fiber
    • Red potatoes have at least 10% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin B6.
    • This vitamin is crucial for cellular renewal, a healthy nervous system and a balanced mood. The addition of this vitamin along with the other health benefits of red potatoes will help with everyday stress and also lower cholesterol and help prevent heart disease.
    • In order to get the maximum about of B6 out of your potatoes, is roast or bake red potatoes.
  • Fresh Onion, Quality Assured...

    • Onion is a vegetable which is almost like a staple in Indian food.
    • This is also known to be one of the essential ingredients of raw salads.
    • They come in different colours like white, red or yellow and are quite in demand in cold salads and hot soups.
    • You can dice, slice or cut it in rings and put it in burgers and sandwiches.
    • Onions emit a sharp flavour and fragrance once they are fried; it is due to the sulphur compound in the vegetable.
    • Onions are known to have antiseptic, antimicrobial and antibiotic properties which help you to get rid of infections. If a piece of onion is inhaled, it can slow down or stop nose bleeding.
  • Fresh Red Cherries -250...

    • Quantity: 250 grams
    • Red cherries
    • Delicious taste cherry

    Fresh Red Cherries -250...

  • Fresh Cauliflower,/ Fulgobi 1...

    • Cauliflower is made up of tightly bound clusters of soft, crumbly, sweet cauliflower florets that form a dense head.
    • Resembling a classic tree, the florets are attached to a central edible white trunk which is firm and tender
    • One serving of cauliflower contains 77 percent of daily recommended value of vitamin C. Cauliflowers are rich in B complex vitamins, potassium and manganese.They protect from the risk of heart diseases
  • Lakhan Bhog/ Laxman Bhog...

    • Grown in different parts of India, Laxman Bhog, Lakhhan Bhog mango is elongated in shape and with a yellow or greenish coloured skin and a sweet yellow pulp.
    • The juicy flesh of this mango is fibreless and is delicious in taste.
    • Product image shown is for representation purpose only, the actual product may vary based on season, produce & availability.
    • It is high in dietary fibre and is filled with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
    • It is a good source of vitamin A, C and Potassium.Mango improves digestion, eye health, skin and lowers cholesterol.
    • Calcium Carbide is not used in the ripening process of the mangoes.

    Lakhan Bhog/ Laxman Bhog...

  • Chalta/Elephant Apple/Dillenia indica Fresh...

    • Chalta is an eternally green shrub, with the trees often grow up to a height of 15 m. The reddish-brown barks hold strong branches with broad serrated leaves. The flowers bloom in summer, being bright white with many petals and sprout into the tangy chalta fruit in colder climates.
    • Chalta, an evergreen shrub that grows extensively in the wilderness of South-East Asia, in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand, confers numerous excellent benefits for health such as preventing kidney ailments, slowing down ageing and lowering blood pressure.
    • Chalta being its Hindi name, it is commonly called Elephant Apple, since the delicious chalta fruit is hugely popular amongst the local wild elephants, being widely consumed by them. Its scientific name is Dillenia indica.
  • Fresh Gourd Branches

    • Bottle gourds come in different shapes and sizes.
    • Lau Doga Considered as one of the healthiest vegetables around, the flesh of bottle gourds are full of water and taste slightly bitter.
    • Its keep the body hydrated and assist in weight loss.
    • They treat urinary tract infection and sleeping disorders while reducing liver inflammation, easing digestion and safeguarding hair against premature greying.

    Fresh Gourd Branches

  • Fresh Raw Turmeric(Haldi/Holud) 250gm

    • Turmeric and especially its most active compound curcumin have many scientifically-proven health benefits,
    • potential to prevent heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer.
    • It’s a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis
    • Turmeric tea’s strong anti-inflammatory properties can help ease inflammation and swelling in people with arthritis. This reduces painful symptoms.
    • it seems as though the curcumin found in turmeric may help prevent it. Turmeric’s antioxidants prevent damage that can lead to Alzheimer’s. Even more importantly
    • Turmeric tea’s many medicinal properties, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, could contribute to cancer prevention.
  • Red Amaranthus(Lal Saag/Shak/Shaak/Laal Sag)...

    . It prevent asthma

    . It lower blood presure

    . It reduces the fracture

    . Helps in reducing constipation

  • Jumbo Fresh pineapple 1pcs

    • Loaded With Nutrients. …
    • Contains Disease-Fighting Antioxidants. …
    • Its Enzymes Can Ease Digestion. …
    • May Help Reduce the Risk of Cancer. …
    • May Boost Immunity and Suppress Inflammation. …
    • May Ease Symptoms of Arthritis. …
    • May Speed Recovery After Surgery or Strenuous Exercise.

    Jumbo Fresh pineapple 1pcs

  • Fresh Taro Root Naga...

    • .Cure cancer
    •  Diuretic
    • Skin energy
    • Loved by all corners of India in the most varied forms! Colocasia or also known as Taro root, is a thick, tuber stalk and an important part of global cuisines and diets.
    • It is considered one of the first cultivated plants in human history. The health benefits of taro include its ability to improve digestion and lower your blood sugar levels.
    • Colocasia is prepared in various ways. Every culture has developed their distinct manner of preparing it. Almost all the recipes require the vegetable to be cooked.
    • The shelf life is 3-4 days. It can be stored in ambient as well as refrigerated environment.


  • Fresh Organic Capsicum –...

    • Green capsicums, also known as green peppers are bell shaped, medium-sized fruit pods.
    • It has thick and shiny skin with a fleshy texture inside.
    • Green capsicums have powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Rich in Vitamin A, B complex, C and phytonutrients.
    • Relieves pain of bone disorders and has the capacity to relax the repirartory passage.
  • Bottle Gourd (Lau/Lauki)1pc Fresh

    • The interior flesh is creamy white with petite seeds that when young are tender and edible but when more mature become hard and should be removed prior to consumption.
    • Young bottle gourd squash offers a mild flavor reminiscent of summer squash and cucumber with a firm texture.
    • Helps in weight loss if drank empty stomach
    • Reduces inflammation of liver
    • Treats sleeping disorders
    • provides cooling effect
    • Keeps heart healthy.
  • Bitter Gourd (Uchhe/Korola/Karela) 500gram

    • Helps in maintaining blood sugar levels.
    • Lowers bad cholesterol levels. Bangalore-based Nutritionist, Dr. …
    • For glowing skin and lustrous hair. …
    • Cures hangovers and cleanses the liver. …
    • Helps in weight loss. …
    • Boosts your immune system. …
    • Great for your eyes.
  • Garlic 100gm 100% Quality...

    • Garlic,Rosun, is made of several heads wrapped in thin whitish layers.
    • They are firm and have a mild flavour. Once crushed, they emit a strong and pungent aroma.
    • Lahsun Aid poor digestion
    • Kills parasites
    • Heals cold sores
  • Fresh Betel / Paan...

    • According to Ayurveda, chewing paan after meals eases digestion as it increases secretion of digestive juices, reduces bloating of stomach, relieves constipation and destroys intestinal parasites.
    • Betel leaf has heart-shaped, soft, clean and long-stalked leaves with a pointed apex.
    • It has vitamins such as vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine and carotene. It is also a greater supply of calcium.
    • The juice from the leaf is known to have diuretic properties and assists urination when taken with diluted milk.
    • Local application of betel leaves relieves sore throat.

    Fresh Betel / Paan...

  • Banana Blossom (Malbhog Mocha)...

    • Banana Flowers and hearts are used as vegetables in South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisine, either raw or steamed with dips or cooked in soups, curries and fried foods.
    • You can also boil it, chill and eat with chilli paste or Thai dips such as Prik Pao or Namprik Kapi.
    • It is also antioxidant-rich, making it ideal for cell health and anti-ageing. It contains a host of essential vitamins and amino acids, is low in calories, and boosts metabolism.
  • Fresh Brinjal/Eggplant 500gm 100%...

    • Takes care of your heart
    • Improves cognitive function
    • Helps treat anemia
    • High in antioxidants
    • Rich in many nutrients
    • The vitamin & mineral content of eggplants is quite extensive. Begun or Brinjal They’re a great source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, thiamine, niacin, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, fiber, folic acid, potassium, and more!
    • Antioxidants are one of the human body’s best defenses against diseases like cancer, as well as many other potential infections. One of the many benefits of eating eggplant is that you are also ingesting the natural antioxidant, manganese. By having a high level of antioxidants like manganese in your body, it will help ensure that your organs are protected.
  • Pointed Gourd Potol 250gm...

    • Fresh Pointed Gourd. Trichosanthes dioica, also known as parwal, parval, pointed gourd, Wild snake gourd, patola, green potato is a vine plant in the Cucurbitaceae family, similar to cucumberand squash, though unlike those it is perennial. It is called Patal,parval,Potol also.
    • It is a dioecious vine plant with heart-shaped leaves and is grown on a trellis.
    • Improves digestive health
    • Good for our skin care
    • Improve bone health
  • Fresh Banana – 12Pcs...

    • Tiny and small sized, Organic food Based
    • Despite its small size, they are naturally flavoured, aromatic and sweeter compared to regular bananas.
    • bananas are around 3- 4 inches long and contain a thinner skin and better shelf life than Robusta bananas.
    • One banana supplies 30 percent of the daily vitamin B6 requirement and is rich in vitamin C and potassium. It reduces appetite and promotes weight loss, while also boosting the immune system and keeping the bones strong. It is very good for pregnant women and athletes.

    Fresh Banana – 12Pcs...

  • Fresh Malabar spinach Pui...

    • Malabar spinach is an excellent source of Calcium and Iron. Spinach is rich in floats which are good for your heart health.
    • Spinach is also rich in Vitamin A and C. Because spinach is filled with iron, it is great for people battling anaemia. Spinach is also rich in various antioxidants that can keep your cells from aging.
    • Malabar Spinach is also known to improve blood glucose levels, lower the risk of cancer and help lower blood pressure.
    •  Malabar spinach has impressive amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, and antioxidants. Spinach contains two antioxidants, namely, lutein and zeaxanthin which are great for your eyesight.
  • Coriander leaves/Dhania 1 bundle...

    • May help lower blood sugar. …
    • Rich in immune-boosting Dhone Pata antioxidants.  …
    • May benefit heart health. …
    • May protect brain health. …
    • May promote digestion and gut health. …
    • May fight infections. …
    • May protect your skin. …
    • Easy to add to your diet.
  • Fresh Lady’s Finger 500g

    • Lady Finger is a type of green vegetable, long finger like, having a small tip at the tapering end.
    • Its head shows a bulge, lighter green in shade, dherosh which is often removed as an inedible portion.
    • The lady’s finger bhendi or bhindi may be cutin toround pieces or slicedin to 4 halves or may be put whole in a mix vegetable subji
    • keeps diabetes away
    • Best for digestion
    • Helps to weight loss
    • Control diabetes
    • Improve eyesight

    Fresh Lady’s Finger 500g

  • Fresh Spinach(paalak/Palong/Palank Shaak/Shak) 4...

    • Spinach is also an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate as well as being a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron and vitamin B2. Vitamin K is important for maintaining bone health and it is difficult to find vegetables richer in vitamin K than spinach.
    • High in fiber,so it helps keep you full and aids in digestion.

      Help prevent cancer.


      High in antioxidants.


      Helps improve vision.


      Strengthen bones.


  • Yardlong bean ( Borboti...

    • Yardlong beans grow best in tropical regions of the world.
    • They are very popular in Thai food because of their slightly sweet taste.
    • Asian people adore food that is sweet tasting and when it comes to sweetening food they are not afraid to experiment with different things that Westerners might find odd to begin with.
    •  These are full of vitamins and other nutrients, vitamin K being the most prominent. They are also very high in vitamin C and vitamin A. 125 grams of these beans can account for between 20-25% of your RDA (recommended daily allowance) of the vitamins mentioned above.
    • You will also find potassium, dietary fibre and iron among other nutrients in string beans.
  • jaggi cury Curry Pata...

    • Curry leaves are rich in protective plant substances, such as alkaloids, glycosides, and phenolic compounds, that give this fragrant herb potent health benefits.
    • Risk factors like high cholesterol and triglyceride levels may increase your risk of developing heart disease. Adding curry leaves to your diet may help reduce some of these risk factors.
    • Some research has shown that curry leaves may help protect the health of your nervous system, including your brain.
    • The leaves are commonly added to dishes to bring about a robust, rich flavor and popularly used in meat dishes, curries, and other traditional Indian recipes.
  • Fresh Radish 500gm

    • Radish,mula White has a crunchy texture and also has a sharp spicy flavor.
    • It is usually eaten raw in salads and can also be used in soups, stir-fries, sambhars, etc., or added to cooked dishes as garnish.
    • The Radish  white can be steamed and served as a whole vegetable too. The shelf life of Radish White is 1 day.
    • Radishes are excellent source of vitamin c. It contains folate, fiber, riboflavin, and potassium, as well as good amounts of copper, vitamin B6.
      It is composed of high dietary fibre, which is very fine for digestive tract.

    Fresh Radish 500gm

  • Fresh Raw Papaya 1...

    • Good source of vitamin
    • Brain Development
    • Good for Bones
    • Improves Digestion
    • Control Skin Ulcer
  • Fresh Small Bitter Gourd...

    • Helps in maintaining blood sugar levels.
    • Lowers bad cholesterol levels. Bangalore-based Nutritionist, Dr. …
    • For glowing skin and lustrous hair. …
    • Cures hangovers and cleanses the liver. …
    • Helps in weight loss. …
    • Boosts your immune system. …
    • Great for your eyes.
  • Cabbage 1kg approx 100%...

    • Good for the skin
    • Fight Cancer
    • Acts as an anti-inflammatory
    • Takes care of your eyes
    • Cabbage or Badha or Bandha Kopi contains powerful antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation.
    • If you want to improve your digestive health, fiber-rich cabbage is the way to go.
    • Vitamin K is critical for blood clotting. Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin K1, with 85% of the RDI in 1 cup (89 grams).
    • The cabbage may protect against radiation and reduce heart disease risk.
  • Fresh Beans 250gm 100%...

    . Anti-aging

    . Anti-oxidant

    . Rich in fiber

    . Vitamin K,C source

    . The common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, is an herbaceous annual plant in the family Fabaceae which is grown as a pulse and green vegetable. … The leaves grow alternately on the stems, are green or purple in color and are divided into 3 oval leaflets with smooth edges.

  • Drumstick(sajana/sajna) 250gm

    • Regulates blood sugar levels. …
    • Helps improve digestive health. …
    • Great for developing stronger bones. …
    • Helps purifying blood. …
    • Relieves respiratory disorders. …
    • Boosts immunity.
  • Fresh Mosambi – 1kg...

    • Fresho Mosambis are of the best quality, handpicked and sourced directly from the farmers of Anantapur.
    • Sweet lime or mosambi is lime-like, large sized with an underlying yellow base.
    • The intense, refreshing aroma is due to essential oils present in the skin.
    • It generally tastes sweet, occasionally tart to sweet.
    • Mosambis are a good source of vitamin C and potassium and its high water content is known for its cooling properties. They lower cholesterol and control blood sugar level. They also prevent constipation. Mosambi peels are highly nutritious, fiber-rich and edible, which are good for skin and nails.

    Fresh Mosambi – 1kg...

  • Fresh Organic Pomegranate, 4...

    • With ruby color and an intense floral, sweet-tart flavor, the pomegranate delivers both taste and beauty.
    • You can remove the skin and the membranes to get at the delicious fruit with nutty seeds.
    • Fresh Pomegranates are finely sorted and graded to deliver the best tasting pomegranates to you.
    • Fresh Pomegranate juice lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol. Reduces the risk of heart stoke. Gives a boost of energy and freshness. So, this is specially recommended for women during menopause. Good for pregnant women as it prevents brain damage in infants.
  • Fresh Round 3 Pcs...

    • Lemons are high in heart-healthy vitamin C and several beneficial plant compounds that may lower cholesterol.
    • Lemon juice may help prevent kidney stones. However, more quality research is needed.
    • Lemons contain vitamin C and citric acid, which help you absorb non-heme iron from plants. This may prevent anemia.
    • The soluble fiber in lemons could help improve digestive health. However, you need to eat the pulp of the lemon, not just the juice.
    • Lemons may aid weight loss and reduce your risk of heart disease, anemia, kidney stones, digestive issues, and cancer.
  • Fresh Wax gourd 1Pc

    • Wax Gourd health benefits includes stimulating growth and development,
    • maintaining cardiovascular health, ensures proper digestion, boost metabolism, helps in cognitive functions and helps remove toxins.
    • It grows on a vine and matures into a round or oblong melon that’s approximately the same size and (Chal Kumra color as a watermelon. Once ripe, the fruit’s fuzzy exterior morphs into a powdery ash-colored coating that gives this fruit its name.
    • Ash gourd comprises 96% water and is very low in calories, fat, protein, and carbs. Yet, it remains rich in fiber and provides small amounts of various nutrients.

    Fresh Wax gourd 1Pc

  • Fresh Pumpkin/Misti Kumra 1...

    • Pumpkin is a great source of potassium and beta-carotene,
    • which is a carotenoid that converts to vitamin A.
    • It also contains some minerals including calcium and magnesium, as well as vitamins E, C and some B vitamins. Discover more about why we need vitamins and minerals.
    • Pumpkin/Misti Kumra/ Kaddu is a plump, nutritious orange vegetable, and a highly nutrient dense food. It is low in calories but rich in vitamins and minerals, all of which are also in its seeds, leaves, and juices.There are many ways to incorporate pumpkin into desserts, soups, salads, preserves, and even as a substitute for butter.

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