• Stolon Of Taro (Kochu...

    • Taro stolon can also help reduce high blood pressure. Moreover,
    • it protects the skin, prevents different types of cancer, increases blood circulation, prevents heart diseases,
    • improves vision, boosts the immune system, and strengthens muscle and nerves.
    • Taro plant is one of the most important vegetables on international cuisine and diets, because of its uniqueness among other plants. This vegetable must be cooked before eating because it is toxic in raw form, but harmful substances will be eliminated after cooking.
  • Old Fresh Red Potato...

    • Much of the nutritional value of a potato is found in its skin.
    • Red potatoes are particularly healthy because of the thin, nutrient filled skins, which are loaded with fiber
    • Red potatoes have at least 10% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin B6.
    • This vitamin is crucial for cellular renewal, a healthy nervous system and a balanced mood. The addition of this vitamin along with the other health benefits of red potatoes will help with everyday stress and also lower cholesterol and help prevent heart disease.
    • In order to get the maximum about of B6 out of your potatoes, is roast or bake red potatoes.
  • jaggi cury Curry Pata...

    • Curry leaves are rich in protective plant substances, such as alkaloids, glycosides, and phenolic compounds, that give this fragrant herb potent health benefits.
    • Risk factors like high cholesterol and triglyceride levels may increase your risk of developing heart disease. Adding curry leaves to your diet may help reduce some of these risk factors.
    • Some research has shown that curry leaves may help protect the health of your nervous system, including your brain.
    • The leaves are commonly added to dishes to bring about a robust, rich flavor and popularly used in meat dishes, curries, and other traditional Indian recipes.
  • Fresh Wax gourd 1Pc

    • Wax Gourd health benefits includes stimulating growth and development,
    • maintaining cardiovascular health, ensures proper digestion, boost metabolism, helps in cognitive functions and helps remove toxins.
    • It grows on a vine and matures into a round or oblong melon that’s approximately the same size and (Chal Kumra color as a watermelon. Once ripe, the fruit’s fuzzy exterior morphs into a powdery ash-colored coating that gives this fruit its name.
    • Ash gourd comprises 96% water and is very low in calories, fat, protein, and carbs. Yet, it remains rich in fiber and provides small amounts of various nutrients.

    Fresh Wax gourd 1Pc

  • Fresh Taro Roots –...

    • Taro root is a starchy root vegetable originally cultivated in Asia but now enjoyed around the world.
    • It has a brown outer skin and white flesh with purple specks throughout. When cooked,
    • it has a mildly sweet taste and a texture similar to potato.
    • Taro root or gathi ,mukhi is a great source of fiber and other nutrients and offers a variety of potential health benefits, including improved blood sugar management, gut and heart health.
    • It’s important to note that taro root should only be eaten cooked.
  • Ginger,Ada 250gm 100% Quality...

    • Ginger has a very long history of use in various forms of traditional/alternative medicine.
    • It has been used to help digestion, reduce nausea and help fight the flu and common cold, to name a few.
    • Ginger Aada can be used fresh, dried, powdered, or as an oil or juice, and is sometimes added to processed foods and cosmetics.
    • Ginger Ada Fights Respiratory Problem
    • Relives Stress
    • Reduce Acne
    • Increases Sperm Count
    • Heart Support

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