• Fresh Tamarind (Tetul/Imli) 500gm...

    • Safe harvest presents this pack of tamarind which has a weight of 500 grams.
    • It has a shelf life of 6 months. It is pesticide free and is recommended to be stored in a cool and dry place
    • Lightnes your skin

      Fights Cancer


      protects the liver

  • Fresh Taro Roots –...

    • Taro root is a starchy root vegetable originally cultivated in Asia but now enjoyed around the world.
    • It has a brown outer skin and white flesh with purple specks throughout. When cooked,
    • it has a mildly sweet taste and a texture similar to potato.
    • Taro root or gathi ,mukhi is a great source of fiber and other nutrients and offers a variety of potential health benefits, including improved blood sugar management, gut and heart health.
    • It’s important to note that taro root should only be eaten cooked.

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